Poster Information

Poster Sessions

Poster Sessions will be held in Franklin Hall on the 4th floor of the Philadelphia Marriott Downtown

Poster Session 1:  Sunday, June 30th  5:00pm – 6:30pm
Poster Session 2:  Monday, July 1st   5:00pm – 6:30pm

Presenters are asked to be present at their poster during the session to be available for questions.

Poster Specifications

Poster Presenters will be responsible for bringing a physical (printed) poster to the poster session.

  • Maximum Poster Size: No larger than 45” x 45” (115 cm x 115 cm). Posters larger than the maximum size may be removed.

  • Adhering of your Poster: Pushpins (supplied onsite).

  • If a third party is creating your poster, presenters are responsible for providing the specifications and printing options to the poster designer.

  • ISPNO staff are not available to hang or print your poster for you.

Poster Set up and Tear Down

Posters may be hung at the following times:

  • Poster Session 1: Saturday 4:00 - 6:00pm; Sunday 7:00am - 5:00pm

  • Poster Session 2: Monday 7:00am - 5:00pm

At the conclusion of each poster session, presenters are asked to remove their posters. Any posters left after the closing of the session will be removed and discarded.